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How to Fix A Squeaky Desk - A Lifetime of Learning


     The phrase, lifelong learner, seems to resonate throughout the educational universe, emanating from resumes, LinkedIn profiles, and classroom newsletters. Many teachers have taken on this accoutermental moniker, myself included. Perhaps it's the alliteration that makes it so appealing, or that it’s a statement which lets others know that you still like to read. Maybe it’s just impossible not to be a lifelong learner if you simply, exist on this planet. But there is more to it than that. A lifelong learner is someone who actively seeks to acquire knowledge and skills well beyond any formal required education. Yes. That's me. And thankfully, that’s many of us. I often discuss with colleagues and friends the seemingly inordinate amount of information one needs to have, understand, and competently utilize to be a teacher. I often find myself at work chipping away at the minutiae such as setting up email preferences, determining how my new document camera operates, or tightening down screws on squeaky desks and chairs. These are all skills I need that have almost nothing to do with teaching students content and skills. Yet, they are necessary for me to do my job effectively. So knowing that I will always be in this learning mode, I have resigned myself to focus more clearly on actual beneficial, and even credentialed learning goals.  

     Once I have finished the MAED Program at Michigan State University, I will begin with Google Certified Educator programming. So much of what I do in the classroom and during office work revolves around or is enhanced by our use of Google Workspace and Classroom. I am using this platform and software on a daily basis, but not to its fullest potential. So I may as well seek to be highly proficient. One of my professional goals is to always increase engagement for my students. Providing clear instructions and opportunities for students to show learning and self assessment can also be enhanced through the platform. Having a greater skill set in this area will aid in that goal. Having those credentials in my building builds trust with administration and also allows me to share that knowledge with colleagues and students.

     Another goal I have for myself is to create a Student Poet Laureate position and an Arts and Literature publication at our school. I was inspired recently by a fellow #writingcommunity member on Twitter. She has a goal of creating a Poet Laureate for her hometown. I engaged by asking, “You can just do that?” She replied, “If it doesn’t exist, make it”. Such a simple statement, yet so profoundly inspiring. I’ve started researching what this might all entail at My goal is to present the idea to administration and leadership later in the year, with a full plan in place to implement next year. I believe having this position in our school will elevate our writing curriculum and willingness for students to express themselves, engaging in the writing process beginning with brainstorming and ending in publication. It was through submitting my own work to Qua Literary and Fine Arts Magazine while attending The University of Michigan-Flint  that my own writing practice was born. I want this experience for my students, but I want it for them before they get to college.

  One last goal I have set for myself is already in the early stages of fulfillment. Last year I was selected to participate in a teacher advisory committee for The Great Lakes Center or the Arts’ Next Gen educational programming. This is a voluntary position, but one that is greatly rewarding. My goal is to take my expertise beyond the classroom. What I have discovered through the advisory committee is that there is a need for curriculum development for many different applications originating outside of traditional learning spaces. Theater groups and production groups across the country aim to sell their educational programming and productions to theaters across the country. It is almost standard now for those productions to be accompanied by standards based lessons and extension activities. I believe there is a need for development in this niche market and beyond. I will begin researching locally with three other regional organizations: Old Town Playhouse, Crooked Tree Center for the Arts, and  Interlochen Center for the Arts. This goal is essentially to create something from nothing, potentially starting a small business, or consulting firm. Moving into a potential consulting role as so many teachers have done in recent years is a way to occasionally step outside of the classroom, but still practice my skills.  

Among the learning that takes place in my classroom is a desire to go beyond it, for both me and my students. I look at every opportunity to step outside many of the traditional methods of teaching. Gaining greater access to learning platforms, creating new and unique opportunities for students and for myself will only enrich my career and life.  From fixing squeaky desks to building online learning modules, if we are intentional in our endeavors, we never stop learning. 

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